Converse: Forever Chuck

365 looks of Chinese youth with Chuck Taylor being the only repeating element.

我们为 Converse Chuck Taylor 系列打造了主题为“逆潮而上”Lookbook 计划,310 位年轻人以自己的风格创造出了 365 个造型,而 Chuck Taylor 则是唯一重复的元素。为期一年的“逆潮而上”挑战,每个月独立的主题合“逆潮而上”的精神,创造了 365 天不重样的造型,以此还原了中国年轻人的面貌,并记录他们真实的态度。

作为 Converse 最为标志性的鞋款,Chuck Taylor 与青年文化一直紧密互融,而更新迭代的年轻生命永远有其独特且愈趋多元的面貌。我们在全国范围内通过不同渠道召集了300多位个性迥异的本土年轻人,为 Converse Chuck Taylor 系列打造了主题为“逆潮而上”的 Campaign 企划,历时一年。

项目以 Chuck Taylor 鞋款为核心元素,搭配 Converse 其他产品,呈现全年365 个不同的造型。同时结合与年轻人们的文字对谈、影像纪录、线上活动等,在“逆潮而上”的大主题下通过社交媒体,以月份为周期,推出不同的子主题,记录当代年轻人与 Chuck Taylor 一起,对世界发出的丰富又真实的声音,还原中国年轻一代多元的自我。

Converse presents the whole new NBA Collection in September 2017, and we’ve taken a different approach to make street trends collide with sportsmanship, not with a group of athletes, but young street pioneers.

Personality and creativity was never about location, we focused on indoors young people, to discuss their attitude on “Forever Chuck” from another angle.

What kind of consumption concept will the new generation of Hong Kong the “mammonism city”,

What kind of consumption concept represents the new generation’s spirit? With such curiosity, we moved the shooting to Hong Kong the “golden land”, and had a conversation with the local youth about “new mammonism”. This theme was also the concept of Converse official Flagship store during November shopping spree.

There’s many kind of relationship, but the love remains the same. We invited a bunch of couples to celebrate love with Chuck Taylor during this romantic month.

Technology is a trick of illusory reality. For this issue, we created two virtual character, Anderson and Natalie to showcase the changing style and unchanging spirit of Chuck Taylor.